Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Alastair: "Mannn i been working so hard this week i deserve this chicken, I dont even know whos birthday this is or why im here..but i know im eating chicken, and thats all that matters"

Ming: "Mannn why ain nobody tell me there was chicken?...are these the people i call my friends??"

Victor: "Chicken and Beer??.." 2 of my favourite things??..im about to do a praise dance in this bitch!"
Simon: Why is everybody here so excited about chicken??

Yannick: Speaking of birds, whats missing here??
Alastair: *hums to himself and swings his feet*

David/BS: "These murrraskunts must be crazy if they think im gna let them get inbetween me and my chicken...watch this ninja sht right here"

David/BS: *moves lightning fast, at blurring speed, grabs chicken and eats it ALL*
Victor/Simon/Miguel: *oblivious to what is happening on account of David/BS's amazing lightning speed and overall awesomeness*

David/BS: *slows down to normal speed and immediately strikes up a conversation with Yannick to cover his tracks*
Alastair: "is it too early to go get another plate?.."

Miguel: "I still cant believe these guys didnt tell me there was chicken, am i safe around these people?"
David/BS: "bro....is the wall  moving..or is it just me?.."

David/BS: *realizes there is a camera in the room*

Alastair: "lol"

Miguel: "woooooo, this is pimp sht right here..does this rug come in a suit?"

Victor doing his best BBM "Big Smile" Smiley Impression


David/BS: "i think somebody needs to contact Victors next of kin, im a bit worried"

Victor: "I call this 'my hand is on fire' dance'
David/BS: "bro you know u ain even ready for a dance off"

Simon: "Bro will u hold my drink while i nip downstairs and bench press a car?..only like 3 sets, todays  supposed to be my rest day"

Miguel: "Cake is all i care about"
GB: "someone needs to get this man wet wipes and some privacy"

Miguel: " To the casual observer this might look like a slice of cake, but this is actually Love, yep...LOVE"

Victor: "Is it me or is this muffugas arm melting?..how much did i really drink tonight??"


David/BS: "sooo ..none o yall saw my arm melting?..why ain noone try and help me??..SMH"
Alastair: "Forget ur arm breh, i got an important question to ask u...why is this man so large??"

David/BS: "I'm about to do a cartwheel in this bitch, these muhfuggaz ain ready"

David/BS: "Its like taking a picture beside a house"

David/Adonis: "Simon ive heard three is a crowd, but this is ridiculous, ive seen japanese cars smaller than you"
Alastair: "ALL EYEZ ON ME" haha

Alastair: "i think i moved too quick and gave myself a wedgie"
David/BS: im still cracking up looking at this pic
Victor: *does his best Macaulay Culkin Home alone impression*
Simon: *continues to be Huge*

Alastair: "I wonder if anyone realizes im stuck?"

Thanks for showing up